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KIM Association- Journal Entry 7


The past two weeks I have been emailing my coworkers and working to get in contact with past KIM Association Interns


During this time, people have a lot going on. In working for an international non-profit which doesn't have all of its staff working, communication has been slow-moving.


I still have been able to talk to my coworkers and past interns, it's just much slower than in the past. Because of this, I must continue to have patience. I will continue to email my boss and contact everyone with a changed expectation of timelines.

Learning Objective Progress

2. Identify ways to connect KIM Association and Loyola University Chicago.

I have yet to finalize a plan, but I hope to finalize my hours and create this plan in the upcoming weeks.

3. Obtain remote working skills.

I continue to improve my remote working skills with time. I look forward to implementing some of these skills in the upcoming weeks when working with KIM and other Loyola Students and Staff.

Classroom Knowledge

This week we read about public speaking and its importance. Public speaking is something I'm very comfortable with and in fact, enjoy. This past week I presented on my experience at KIM. I made sure to prep for this presentation and create clear and effective slides. I feel that I did an effective job during this presentation. I made sure to add a bit of my personality and engage with both the present audience while catering to a remote audience that may engage with the presentation later.

I felt this reading and my presentation allowed me to reflect on my experience and prepped me for future interviews.

Remote Work

What did I learn?

I learned over the past two weeks that I must communicate my struggles and persist.

How did I use problem-solving to address this issue?

I problem solved by communicating with new Loyola students and my boss.

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